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Washington Rural Carrier Magazine (WRC)
Welcome to the WRC webpage.
Below you will find the archived volumes of the WRC.
Content such as photos and opinion pieces may be submitted to the Editor. The method of submission is via email to Editor. The WARCLA Board reserves the right to edit or omit text to keep in compliance with policies and to con-form to space restraints. Letters and content must be accompanied with the author’s name, address, and phone number. Content will only be printed from verified NRLCA members. Submission does not guarantee that the content will be published. If print-ed, only the author’s name will accompany the content. The views and opinions ex-pressed in such letters are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Association.
Check back periodically for new issues.

NRLCA National Magazine 1977


Convention Issue

History of the USPS

History of the USPS